Transformative Education

We have established a two-to-four-year Master’s, and three half to five-year PhD program in the Quantum Science of Health, Prosperity, and Happiness, based on the direct guidance and ongoing transformational principles as set up by Amit Goswami, PhD, a retired physicist from the University of Oregon, USA, and a renowned quantum scientist and consciousness researcher. We are acting as the Department of Quantum Science, at UOT (University of Technology), a private government-accredited university in Jaipur, India,

What is Quantum Activism?

Quantum Activism is a kind of worldview according to which a human’s thoughts and his/her intentions can change the material reality unambiguously. Based on principles of quantum physics that argue that the universe consists only of energy and that matter does not exist until we become aware of it, Quantum Activism insists that human consciousness is instrumental in creating reality. When people embrace thoughts and beliefs with a positive purpose in mind, there will be a domino effect with real-life changes in people’s lives and the world in general.

How Does Quantum Activism Work?

To begin the understanding of Quantum Activism, it is imperative to grasp the meaning of entanglement of particles referring to the idea that bodies in the universe can be paired and can interact no matter the distance that exists between them. This line of thinking can be also relevant to mental and emotional fields as long as they can tune in to the energy of the universe and start giving back the same positive energy and abundance. Thus, Love, Gratitude, and Compassion are considered the key principles of Quantum Activism which aims to introduce a positive approach to the change of consciousness as a way to influence the change in terms of male/female ratio, economic inequalities, world hunger, etc.

The Benefits of Embracing Quantum Activism

Quantum Activism helps break the rigid patterns of thinking and changes the person’s outlook on life and their existence in the world. This new awareness can breed feelings of increased control, relevance, and basic relatedness to the world. Through such sectors as meditation, visualization, and setting intentions – Quantum Activism is the program that can shape a better future for everybody.

The major benefit of this program is that students are taught advanced conceptual topics, in the form of specific theoretical and experiential pre-recorded coursework and live webinars offered online, together with yearly transformational programs in India.

Why Should You Enroll in the Center for Quantum Activism? 

Quantum Activism

Quantum Activism

  1. You want to integrate your thinking, living, and livelihood and derive maximum happiness from life.
  2. Go beyond the cliched if-you-want-something-badly-enough talk on manifestation and learn how to create your reality with meaning and purpose based on theories of quantum science.
  3. Master your archetypal exploration in this incarnation and help others to do the same while learning the science of reincarnation.
  4. Build expertise in the quantum science of experience, quantum neuroscience, quantum biology, quantum integrative medicine, quantum psychology of mental health, quantum psychology of happiness, quantum economics, quantum leadership in business, quantum education, quantum science of intelligence, and quantum spirituality.
  5. Get professional expertise in the following areas: quantum activism training, creativity counseling, happiness counseling, relationship counseling, quantum holistic nutrition, quantum Ayurveda and homeopathy, quantum naturopathy, quantum yoga and qi gong, quantum life coaching, quantum health management, quantum holistic gerontology, quantum business – leadership/entrepreneurship coaching.

Why is CQA Unique?

Three tenets of the quantum worldview underlie our teaching. 

They are as follows: (ADD BULLETS THE 3…)

  • Non-Locality: We are all potentially interconnected—even without signals—and experimental evidence is proving our inherent unity.
  • Discontinuity: The discovery of something new of value in thought is a quantum leap of Aha! insight. 
  • Tangled Hierarchy: In our brains, we become the subject of the neuronal images of an external object because of a tangled hierarchy, and circularity in the brain’s neocortex.

You can compare this with the teachings of the Upanishads, where the same three correlating principles can be discerned in the Mahavakyas (Sanskrit for great sayings): 

  • Sarvam Khalvidam Brahman (All is Brahman): unity consciousness, statement of non-locality;
  • Aham Brahmasmi (I am Brahman): this speaks of a discontinuous quantum leap to the quantum self-experience;
  • Tat-Tvam-Asi (You are that unity consciousness): this refers to a tangled hierarchical relationship in which I realize that you and I are both rooted in the same unity consciousness.


What will you take with you?  

  • Integrate your thinking, living, and livelihood and derive maximum happiness from life.  
  • Go beyond the cliched if-you-want-something-badly-enough talk on manifestation and learn how to create your reality with meaning and purpose based on theories of quantum science.  
  • Master your archetypal exploration in this incarnation and help others do the same while learning the science of reincarnation.  
  • Build expertise in quantum science of experience, quantum neuroscience, quantum biology, quantum integrative medicine, quantum psychology of mental health,  quantum psychology of happiness, quantum economics, quantum leadership in business, quantum education, quantum science of intelligence, and quantum spirituality.  
  • Get professional expertise in the following areas: quantum activism training,  creativity counseling, happiness counseling, relationship counseling, quantum holistic nutrition, quantum Ayurveda and homeopathy, quantum naturopathy,  quantum yoga and qi gong, quantum life coaching, quantum health management,  quantum holistic gerontology, quantum business – leadership/entrepreneurship coaching. 

What improvement will our education bring to a student’s professional practice? 

There are some general aspects. As the Bhagavad Gita says, actions that follow from other (conditioned) actions, are non-action (Akarma in Sanskrit) of no consequence at all to the purposive movement of consciousness. Although 85% of the world’s population ignorantly engages in such non-action. In this way, a creative transformative life is the only way to make life matter, which is what we teach. When you integrate thinking, living, and livelihood. Life becomes harmonious and that will certainly increase your creativity and productivity. It is a general advantage for all professionals to have no conflict between thinking, living, and how they carry out their professions.

Furthermore, the use of a quantum worldview will focus you more because of the reappearance of meaning and purpose in your life and the general attention that you can pay to both shallow and deep ecology. Finally, exploring an archetype (contexts of elevated thinking and noble feelings such as love, wholeness, and abundance) in your profession will bring you into synchrony with the purposive movement of consciousness. Now to specifics:  

1. Health and Integrative Medicine  

  • You will learn the integration of conventional and alternative medical practices. 
  • You will be trained in preventive medicine. This will enable you to develop and maintain a health management program for your clients.  
  • Even when no medicinal system will work, you can always resort to quantum healing (a creative technique you will learn) as a final method for healing.  
  • Considering healing as an exploration of the archetype of wholeness provides a healing path to enlightenment living in positive health for both patients and doctors.  
  • There is enormous new research on vital energy instrumentation and diagnostics that is taking place; you will be able to join these enterprises.  
  • Now that we understand placebo with quantum science, you will be able to make more expansive use of placebo for healing.  
  • You will be able to use meditation as well as techniques of quantum yoga in your healing practice.  
  • You will be able to administer scientific techniques for the nutrition of all our 5 bodies. 
  • You will be able to join the growing list of researchers of quantum integrative medicine. 

2. Mental Health and Happiness  

  • You will learn new quantum energy-based approaches to treating neurosis, even in some cases of psychosis such as depression.  
  • You will learn a quantum version of chakra psychology and vital creativity (similar to the Indian system called Tantra) to further augment the treatment of neurosis, even in some cases of psychosis, addictions, depression, and some cases of schizophrenia.  
  • There is a revolution in psychotherapy using quantum creativity in therapy,  increasing the efficacy of psychoanalysis by quantum healing. You will be a harbinger of the new revolution.  
  • Quantum creativity gives us a technique for healing addiction not treatable by any known techniques.  
  • Similarly, the Quantum worldview brings a revolution in positive psychology and transformation. You will become a coach and facilitator for such people who are interested in positive mental health and increasing happiness.  
  • You will be able to use quantum yoga techniques for dealing with anxiety, neurosis, and other mental crises.  
  • You will be able to join the growing list of teachers of transformative education and researchers of quantum integrative psychology.  

3. Prosperity and Leadership in Economics, Business and Social Activism  

  • Quantum economics expands the concepts of needs and gifts and in this way expands the economic arena to include our subtle higher needs (of noble feelings,  new meanings, and consciousness-expanding archetypes). You will be an exponent of the developing subtle economy.  
  • The new economics expands the concept of selfishness, to include not only the personal but also the social consciousness. You will be able to complement your search for maximizing profit by doing social good.  
  • By identifying the invisible hands of the free market as the purposive movement of consciousness, the new economics gives you a much more conscious handle on what to do to be in sync with the general evolutionary movement of the economy.  
  • We are introducing the archetype of abundance as the objective of business practices and the pursuit of this generalized abundance will not only make you and your employees wealthy but will make you all happy as well.  
  • The quantizing of economics and business will enable sustainability through an integration of both shallow and deep ecology for both consumers and producers.  You will be a pioneer of sustainable economic practices.  
  • Quantumizing business practices will increase the productivity and efficiency of both management and labor, a dream of all business leaders.  
  • As more and more robots replace routine human jobs, the new economics, by introducing the concept of human capital, will continue to create jobs for humans and thus will enable society not to collapse. By practicing the new economics in your business, you will save the economy from collapsing into chaos.  
  • As a political leader, you will have the right tools, concepts, and acumen to correct injustice and inequality and contribute to the prosperity of the entire society. 
  • As a leader of education, you will have the right tools, concepts, and acumen to bring the right worldview thinking, value education, and creativity to our schools and institutions of higher education. 

Important: The program is available in both English and Portuguese, however basic English knowledge is required, for the final exams. Portuguese translation is available to our students upon request for an additional annual fee.  

 Contact us and join the international students’ body today!

By Amit Goswami, PhD, a retired physicist from the University of Oregon, USA. For more insights and educational resources, visit Facebook, Cqaedu.