It’s time to walk our talk.

A few of our selected graduates and current advanced students are featured here. They have already integrated the teachings of quantum worldview based on the primacy of consciousness and use these principles to help their own clients overcome obstacles or health challenges. They have their own individual credentials to serve clients in their respective fields.

CENTER FOR QUANTUM Activism is not responsible for the outcome of any therapy and intervention. The client is required to establish direct contact with the consultant. The contact details are provided in the bio section.

Quantum Health

We are not limited to the physical body. Health depends a lot on how well we are taking care of our vital bodies.

Quantum Life Coaching

Quantum Life Coaching

Quantum Mental Health

Quantum science brings in a revolution in the way we look at psychology. Through the primacy of consciousness worldview many new ways of intervention comes up.

Spiritual Counselling

Spirituality in integral part of human life. Not following the spiritual path is responsible for so many of the complexities that we face today.

Quantumizing Business, Entrepreneurship, and Leadership

Business is not just about making money. Entrepreneurship is not just about setting up a business. Leadership is not just about ordering people around.