Quantum Therapist, Quantum Homeostasis, São Paulo – Brazil.
Quantum homeostasis is a talk therapy that will efficiently help you clean traumas and uncomfortable situations you have lived through and memorized. It works in a conscious state of mind through command phrases to boost our intention of balancing and healing.
No diseases are born in the physical body alone. Our feelings, emotions, thoughts, and beliefs are the initiators of our unbalances. Because the movement is from the subtle levels to the dense, physical level – downward causation – the onset of our diseases is in our subtle, inner bodies. If we treat our emotional and mental states, we open up the pathway to healing and facilitate our connection with our supramental level, our archetypes: the beginning of a healthy and happy life.
Cida studied and graduated as a translator and interpreter in São Paulo, Brasil. Since the early stages of her life, she felt the need to go beyond the material levels of her existence. She needed to find meaning in living in this world. This search led her through some fields of study: Biospsychology; EMF Balancing Technique; The Marriage of Spirit; Family Constellation; Quantum Homeostasis; and in 2021 she got her master’s degree in Quantum Activism Vishwalayam – Quantum Science for Health, Happiness, and Prosperity. She is now taking a Ph.D. course on Health, Happiness and Prosperity at Vishwalayam with Amit Goswami and Valentina Onisor.
Email : contactlanguages@gmail.com