Ayurveda Practitioner and Quantum Healer
Qualification: BAMS (Degree in Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery); MD (Doctor of Medicine in Dravyaguna Vigyan (Traditional Pharmacology); PGDND (Postgraduate Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics); PG Yogic Sciences (Post Graduation in Preksha Meditation); PG Philosophy; LLB (Bachelor of Laws); CCP (Certificate Course in Panchkarma); Pursuing Ph.D (Ph.D Scholar since January 2020) in Quantum Science of Health, Happiness and Prosperity.
• Her Vision is – TO INTEGRATE THE RECOGNIZED TRADITIONAL- QUANTUM THERAPAUTIC PRACTICES from the beginning of a treatment to heal a person completely at every level and to sustain the health and wellness.
[A] Her prime aim is, fundamentally, follow Quantum principles to START HEALING AT SUBTLE LEVEL [ Physical, Vital, Mental and Supramental].
[B] Main stream of treatment of any pathy [MODERN OR ANCIENT] is the secondary/alternative part.
• Her Work Experience: Currently she is serving best of her potentialities as Director AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy), Haryana Government, India; is working for last 19 years. Additionally, she is also working as a Teaching Faculty Member and doing OPD and her clinical research work at Sri Krishna Ayurveda College and Hospital, Kurukshetra.
• Her Skills are- She educates how to remove the roots of a disease, by practical implementation of traditional- quantum practices; and provides trainings on-
[1] how to recognize your basic constitution at physical and mental ;
[2] techniques of full body/body parts massage;
[3] guides morning, evening, daily, seasonal regimens;
[4] how to prepare herbal bathing powder (disease specific);
[5] management of ayurveda sattvic diet, disease specific;
[6] preparations of home-made single herb powder and decoction (disease specific);
[7] education on specific yogic- pranayama and meditation practices for the vital and the mental body;
[8] teaches how to develop archetype qualities for the supramental and the bliss body. She integrates every possible traditional therapy with the main stream of treatment. Her experience says;
a] external therapies are best treatment for a person at the outset of a disease without disturbing the body chemistry ;
b] then she guides, apart with external, sattvic diet and simple herbal preparations, for internal use;
c] she prescribes ayurveda medicinal treatment as the second line of treatment;
d]Best part of her is doing counselling sessions in series and in sittings step by step within the time frame work, for healing and attaining the wholeness and wellness. She disseminates ayurveda, quantum and yoga education, in schools, colleges and institutions; provides free general counselling sessions. Presently fundamental work of her is Presently she is facilitating the research work on developing Quantum Integrative Wellness Model for AYUSH practitioners, with special reference of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus [T2DM]. She is developing quantum integrative wellness self-healing cards [QIW-SHC] to make every traditional and quantum integrative practice easy for the patients. She is an animal and plant kingdom lover; follows quantum integrated and tangled hierarchy approach. TRUTH AND WHOLENESS – HER ARCHETYPE.S
• Contact: Address: # 29, Tribune Mitra Vihar, District Panchkula, Haryana , India-134109
Phone: +91 8288050629
Email: Sangeeta13968@gmail.com