Masters’ Programs

The Masters’ program offered by us, acting as the Department of Quantum Science, at UOT (University of Technology), a private government-accredited university in Jaipur, India, is a two up to four years degree program.

The major benefit of this program is that students are taught advanced conceptual topics, in the form of specific theoretical and experiential pre-recorded coursework,and live webinars offered online, together with yearly transformational programs in India.

Students are required to pass an annual exam as part of a ten day intensive proximity program in India, the first one after the first year, and a final exam, after the second year in order to earn their degree.



Anyone who has a valid international bachelor’s degree can send an application to the Admission Board.

Course Overview

QS0 The Quantum Re-enchantment of Reality | 4 Credits

We learn how our spiritual and materialist views of Matter, Consciousness, God, and the Soul are integrating using the principles of quantum physics. The confusion about the current situation with consciousness research is also discussed and solved.

QS1 The Quantum Worldview | 4 Credits

In this course, we review the quantum worldview with special attention to quantum activism. Emphasis shall be placed upon basic quantum physics, the quantum worldview, and the quantum principles that are most used in quantum activism.

QS2 The Quantum Science of Manifestation | 3 Credits

In this course, we discuss the most popular question, If I can choose reality according to quantum physics, how do I manifest things I want? We discuss barriers, how to overcome barriers especially the approach of family constellation therapy, how to intend properly, the creative process behind manifestation.

QS3 Quantum Science and Indian Spirituality | 4 Credits

We trace the lineage of quantum science, a developing science within the primacy of consciousness, all the way to the birth of Indian spirituality, especially the Vedanta. In this video series of lectures, we trace more details of the progression: from Vedanta to the Bhagavad Gita to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali to Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga.  Finally, the integration of science and spiritualty thus achieved is shown common also with the teachings of Jesus and Buddha.

QS4 Physics of the Soul | 3 Credits

The subject of this course is reincarnation: its scientific theory, evidence, and lessons. In  this course, we will begin with a scientific theory of reincarnation based on the idea of  quantum nonlocal memory. We will examine new data. We explain concepts such as  karma, guna, and dharma and emphasize their importance in our lives.

QS6 How Quantum Activism Can Save Civilization | 3 Credits

This course is an introduction to quantum activism—activism intended to transform the self as one transforms the world. The course emphasizes the quantum worldview based on the primacy of consciousness for making social changes using the three quantum principles of transformation—non-locality, discontinuity, and tangled hierarchy. Specific details are discussed how we must change the social systems of economics, politics, education, health, and ethics.

QS8 Living Quantum Spirituality | 4 Credits

This course is equivalent with QS1 (students can choose between QS1 and QS8, although we recommend QS8). The course address only for students entering in January, and is available in English only.

This video course offered through Glide Wing corporation is an introduction to (1) the basic principles of quantum physics and quantum measurement, (2) quantum science and (3) the quantum worldview and how to live it.

QS9 The Quantum Science of Consciousness and Experiences | 4 Credits

We discuss the quantum science of how consciousness and its ideas are embodied in matter. Quantum science of experience and how it generates new concepts for integrative and preventive psychology and medicine, especially the concept of five, not one, bodies to  take care of.

QS10 Quantum Neuroscience | 4 Credits

This course is about the brain and the experimental evidence that is mounting in favour of quantum neuroscience. The problem of how the brain gets its Self is solved in the context of two paradoxes: the paradox of perception and the paradox of quantum measurement. We discuss how the brain is quantum, and how the causal body, the subtle body, and the gross bodies are needed to manifest reality.

QS11 Quantum Creativity | 4 Credits

After a definition and a four-fold classification of creativity (situational and fundamental, outer and inner), we discuss the quantum theory of the creative process in some detail.  The role of inspiration, intention, intuition, imagination, incubation, insight, and implementation (the 7 I’s) is clarified. The creative process of do-be-do-be-do is explained. The science of manifestation is also clarified. We explore situational and fundamental creativity with scientific exploration as an example.

QS13 Quantum Biology and the Ascent of Humanity | 4 Credits

To begin this course, we consider the question, “What is life?” Then Darwin’s theory of evolution is discussed and debunked. Aurobindo’s and Teilhard de Chardin’s ideas of evolution of consciousness are introduced. The quantum theory of creative evolution is then developed in full. In this course, we will also introduce the topic of reincarnation based on the idea of quantum nonlocal memory.

QS14 Quantum Economics | 4 Credits

This course explores in depth the concepts and principles of quantum economics and politics. Students will understand the history of Adam Smith’s capitalism, its historical parameters and limitations, current aberrations of capitalism in the global marketplace, and how a science formulated according to the quantum worldview offers both a foundational science and metaphysical framework for ushering in a new model of capitalism.

QS15 The Quantum Science of Love and Relationships | 7 Credits

Love is an essential component of Transformation. In this course, we emphasize on relationships involving the Love archetype. Ask anybody, they will say Love is the most important thing in their life. And yet, there has been no scientific theory on Why we can’t (or simply don’t) love so much, nor there is yet any recipe for deepening love in a relationship. We’ll present a science of Love based on the quantum worldview. We posit that Love is an archetype, a context of higher thinking and noblest feeling.

QS17 The Quantum Doctor | 4 Credits

The purpose of this course is to demonstrate the scientific nature of conventional and alternative medicine (CAM) through the principles of quantum physics and to explore ways to integrate them to build a new integrative medicine for human beings. The goal of the course is to educate participants on the principles of inner harmony, harmony with nature, and spiritual harmony as foundations of healing. The key issue discussed here in great detail is the challenge of integrating these practices into modern lifestyles addressing present health condition.

QS23 Quantum Psychology and the Science of Happiness | 4 Credits

In this course, we take up the subject of happiness beginning with the quantum version of positive psychology. We then define a scale of happiness—the expansion of consciousness serving as its defining factor. We review the basic science of experience, theory of reincarnation and evolution, and the theory of creativity. Then, we discuss, step by step, how to climb the ladder of happiness.

QS24 Quantum Spirituality for a Life of Congruence 4 Credits

We argue the case for defining and charting a worldly path to spirituality based on the exploration of the archetype of wholeness.  Spiritual transformation is introduced as inner creativity—creativity directed to our inner dimension. We briefly discuss the journey from information to meaning to transformation and individuation, from IQ to EQ to supra-mental intelligence. The major part of the course is devoted to the exploration of the archetype of wholeness.

QS25 Quantum Yoga: The Nutrition of the Five Bodies | 8 Credits

Quantum Yoga facilitates a broad gamut of techniques that are extremely effective in restoring health, both physically and psychically. Many people have, unfortunately, accepted living with minor and major defects that limit them from experiencing life at its fullest. In yoga, even a disease may serve as a gateway to achieving physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and harmony. We will explain the approach that Quantum yoga takes in the process of healing.

QS28 The Quantum Science of Intelligence: Training for Developing Higher Intelligence | 4 Credits

We discuss both rewiring the brain–the making of new brain circuits of positive emotion and optimizing the brain—synchronizing the brain and the body. We also take up the subject of scales of happiness and intelligence and present brain data in their support.

QS30 Quantum Education | 2 Credits

The idea of education as the removal of ignorance is introduced as part and parcel of a child’s growing up and an adult’s finding satisfaction in life. The quantum science of education is developed in the same style as ancient India’s concept of paravidhya, education that takes you beyond the veil of base-level human condition to higher intelligence and happiness.