Lately, the community discovered quantum healing as an example of individuals searching for philosophical and non-traditional approaches to health. In the recent past, there has been an emergence of integrative medicine as well as increased investigation on how consciousness contributes to health, a quantum healing course serves as an opportunity to study the interaction and complexity of the whole system of mind, body, and energy field. This way of handling a patient has a little aspect from the quantum theory and the therapy with spirituality to heal an individual in both physical and spiritual cells.
In its rawest form, it can easily be understood that quantum healing lies at the intersection of energy, consciousness, and the mind, and the foundational aspect of the process of healing takes place at the quantum level. That is the meaning of the word “quantum”, and it refers to energy, as persons treating themselves with quantum healing indicate that fundamental changes in one’s physical or mental status may be triggered by the treatment of an energy source in its smallest parts. When one starts a quantum healing course, one enters into this study of the energy fields, with special reference to mental and intentional impact on the physical health of the human body.
This has for instance proposed the central idea that physical sickness or pain could be in one way or another caused not just by body chemistry but can also be due to disturbances or disharmonies in the energy field. Quantum healing therefore concerns itself with rebalancing and re-syncing these energy systems to health both physical and emotional.
In quantum healing, the treatment is unique because the physical problem is not considered exclusively but also the person’s emotional and spiritual well-being which might be affecting the problem at hand.
Quantum healing methods do not involve any kind of physical contact and therefore are not invasive. This makes it to be a safe form of healing that can be recommended for use in all age and health-wise groups.
It is very enlightening to know how one can deal with quantum energy so that it can be empowering and healing without anyone else’s help. It means that you can choose your state of health and personal well-being and do something to turn it into a better one.
Quantum Healing Course
Quantum healing course is very useful and the following are the benefits of enrolling for this course. Some of the key advantages include:
Acquire ways to enhance self-healing and raise the body’s ability to maintain one’s health.
Get knowledge on the body and mind relationship and how the two affect the overall health of an individual.
Find ways how to prevent stress, anxiety, and other adverse emotions that affect our health.
Get a spiritual uplift and give your growth process a powerful extra boost.
Quantum Healing Course
When searching for a quantum healing course, one should select some preferred course and do some research on that. Here are a few tips to help you find the right course for you: Here are few tips which will help you in identifying which course is best suited for you:
Make certain the course receives recognition from a widely known accreditation center or an educational body.
Since the course is developed, one can check on the internet and check fellow students’ feedback so that he or she can be in a position to know what to expect once one registers for the course.
The course must have subjects that are interesting to you and conform to certain aims.
They should go to the instructors first to get more information on the teaching style of the instructors as well as their style when it comes to quantum healing.
One of the prerequisites, performed in every one of the quantum healing courses, is the synergizing of quantum mechanics and spirituality. It is stated that subatomic physics, the science that deals with things small, different particles are strange in the sense that they are probabilistic, in that they look as if they make their own decisions and are connected in what may be counterintuitive ways. Similarly, spirituality has also emphasized the practices of relation between people and the cosmos and many more forms of consciousness.
Courses in quantum physics and spirituality are to enable the student to understand the relationship between the two fields. By learning the laws of quantum mechanisms students learn that interaction in the universe is energy interaction and that there is energy in and connection in the body just like the connection in the web.
The purpose-oriented worldview has been linked with spirituality – meditation and mindfulness practices claiming that by guiding one’s thoughts and energy, one can alter both themselves and reality. Introducing these concepts of spirituality in the quantum healing mode of treatment affords a measure of holistic love to physicians at large.
Many proponents have advanced quantum healing methods that are important in the subject. Dr Amit Goswami is a theoretical physicist, an eminent teacher of quantum mechanics, a wonderful storyteller, and a profound philosopher who brought science and spirituality hand in hand. His work stresses that consciousness is the building block of the world and does not matter as normally presupposed. In the writings of Dr. Goswami it is postulated that in this way, by learning to work with this consciousness, one can reach higher states of health and wholeness.
Other popular personalities in this field include Johan Vermeiren who has taken time and cultured himself in the neighborhood of quantum healing. Johan has continued with Birgit Vermeiren’s research on how QP can be used to explain particular healing methods that attach so much importance to the direct and efficient link between the mind and the body. Both their teachings imply attaining not only a physical body repair but also emotional and psychological by using intention and energy.
Other institutions such as the Cornell Health Center have also been at the forefront of propagating quantum healing measures. This center provides a variety of CAM treatments including quantum healing along with other energy medicine and, for the ultimate in healing; The Ithaca-based Cornell Health Center is the knowledge base and a healing center for developing quantum healing energy healing.
Quantum healing has its origin in the working of energy in the subquantum or quantum physics environment. Among the widely known principles of Quantum mechanics is the principle of superposition, which states that particles can be in many states at the same time. This particular principle forms the core of most of the quantum healing concepts where people are held to change states of energies within them through means of perception and intention.
However, in addition, quantum mechanics has another important mechanism known as entanglement; according to it, if certain particles are tied together, they remain connected irrespective of the distance. This interconnection is also duplicated in most spiritual systems that explain the existence of oneness. When applied to healing, those principles mean that every organism in person and every aspect is related, and if one aspect is improved, others will be improved as well.
In a quantum healing course, the techniques taught enable students to be able to control these energy fields. Ranging from mindfulness meditation to Full Body HStringValue imagined exercises, these courses focus on the healing power of intention. When a certain amount of positive energy is made and the mind is changed, diseases and ailments might be eradicated or better emotional states may be achieved at a cellular level.
There are also mental and emotional factors that need attention as much as the body does when healing is considered. That is why the degree in quantum psychology is of great usefulness. Quantum psychology therefore is more interested in matters that have to do with the awareness process and mind/body connection that disposes one to an illness or disease. As a holistic approach to global understanding, quantum psychology brings out the details of how psychological factors such as thoughts, feelings, and energy correlate with illness or health.
According to quantum psychology, negative ideas or unfixed feelings can organize some sort of disturbances in our body, and transfer to physical illnesses. On the other hand, when these psychological patterns are replaced with constructiveness and healthy, constructive, and productive existences, these are in a position to be dismantled and help can be restored.
A quantum psychology degree provides a student with knowledge on how to explore that aspect of psychology further by relating trauma, stress, as well as other forms of emotional stress to quantum energy fields. Some of the practices that are associated with quantum psychology include cognitive reprogramming, meditation, and energy work, which are processes used to retrain the mind to be in harmony with the principles of health.
However seductive the concepts of quantum healing are, the biggest value of this practice is in the employ of the concepts. The main benefit, perhaps, is that self-health gives a person an opportunity to be the master of his or her fate. Unlike other types of healing, quantum healing engages the patient to fight the disease through conscious effort and not just by subjecting her to various forms of therapy. The practices performed in quantum healing for the development of energy manipulation, intention, and consciousness involve creating and transmitting beneficial energies masterfully so the students of quantum healing may be able to learn the art of healing themselves.
The next advantage I want to dwell on is the fact that quantum healing is a rather holistic concept. In contrast to other treatment approaches that address specific signs and symptoms, quantum healing addresses the whole person instead of the mind, body, or spirit. This helps in holistic healing because it does not only work on the body but also the mind, spirit, and heart to get rid of the actual causes of diseases as opposed to the effects.
Also, quantum healing is the methodology that offers a way of comprehending the entire basics of the world. In this manner, theoretical pedagogy provides an effective means by which students are prompted to think beyond the physical laws and to get a glimpse of the reality of the integrated universe. It also partly supports the concepts of healing and laughter; and gives personnel personal and spiritual development.
Although the concept of quantum healing engulfs rather seductive concepts, the best about it can be seen in the application of the concepts. They usually suggest an extended list of hands-on activities in a quantum healing course where the students get to have a taste of these ideas. One of them is Touch energy healing where the practitioner can use his or her hands to direct energy into the body of the patient, to remove energy blockages.
Other elements of this practice are also known, including meditation and visualization which is a key to quantum healing. If the mind is concentrated then one applies energy deliberately by undertaking healing in the quantum areas of an individual. These practices assist in bridging the mind and the body to enhance the spirit, thereby leading to increased intra-personal satisfaction.
Some courses also integrate the use of biofeedback that embraces the use of technology in the display of some physiological aspects such as heart rates and brain. What was unique about the biofeedback was that it delivered information to students regarding how the body functioned due to different mental conditions, which is beneficial to modifying certain energy practices being performed.
From a quantum healing course one does not get just information to take home and assimilate but a metamorphosis. To such people who would want to learn more about energy and the potential of energy in determining health, these courses provide a basis for learning some of the contemporary information that is associated with quantum physics and spirituality. For the intending quantum healer, however, apart from the numerous advantages of a quantum healing course are tools and realizations that would enhance practice as a professional healthcare provider.
Quantum healing is not a topic that has been created and left to stagnate as studies and improvements are being made which enhance the knowledge being passed around energy medicine. This is why as more people and centers such as Cornell Health Centre incorporate such practices, there is an increased possibility of quantum healing becoming the new reformation in healthcare.
Therefore, a quantum healing course could be defined as the uncovering of a new faculty of relating science and spirituality that paves the way to spiritual and emotional transformation. Beginning with important pioneers such as Dr. Amit Goswami, Johan Vermeiren, and Birgit Vermeiren to an academic course on a quantum psychology degree, this area of research provides an integrated model of health with no restrictions on conventional systems.
By Amit Goswami, PhD, a retired physicist from the University of Oregon, USA. For more insights and educational resources, visit Facebook, Cqaedu.