Jahanvi Upadhyaya, India

Qualified Lawyer and Company Secretary; has also worked as a communications professional in the development sector; currently on a soul-searching journey  

Jahanvi Upadhyaya, India 

An authentic forum for sharing our deeply cherished joys and the most horrid fears amidst a sense of security and a comforting feeling of being held lovingly. The ten days of proximity training helped me become more aware of my bodily feelings – how to snap myself out of over-mentalization and go within my heart space. The collective intention of positivity and authenticity brought forth by each of the participants and the faculty makes the environment sacred and consecrated for incredible magic to happen. By the end of it, I felt cleansed and rejuvenated filled with a renewed zeal to endeavor to bring this expanded state of being into my daily life.

Jahanvi Upadhyaya

Jahanvi Upadhyaya